Grokking Algorithms Once for Good — How to Stop Repeatedly LeetcodingThis guide helps beginners and saves experienced coders from revisiting LeetCode before each interview.Jul 14, 2024Jul 14, 2024
Prompt Pattern Catalog Summarized by ChatGPTSimilar to software engineer patterns, prompt patterns provide patterns that can be used in repeatable scenarios. The paper “A Prompt…Jan 8, 2024Jan 8, 2024
ReentrantUnderstand Synchronizers in Java Concurrency Library In Depth[2]: ReentrantReadWriteLockReentrantReadWriteLock provides separate locks for reading and writing operations. Fine-grained locking improves throughput if read-heavy.Jan 1, 2024Jan 1, 2024
Understand Synchronizers in Java Concurrency Library In Depth[1]: ReentrantLockReentrantLock in Java Standard Library is one of the most important mechanisms provided by Java for concurrent programming.Dec 18, 2023Dec 18, 2023
Java Synchronized vs ReentrantLock: Which Lock Should I Use Really?Compare the two lock mechanisms from a feature and performance perspective. Is the answer the classical “It depends”?Nov 27, 20233Nov 27, 20233
Server Architectures Overview Series (5): LMAX DisruptorsThe LMAX Disruptors is a low latency high throughput concurrent request handling model. We see how to use it with a simple Echo Server.Nov 20, 2023Nov 20, 2023
Server Architecture Overview Series (4): Actor ModelWe create an echo server to show that actor model servers handle client request differently from thread based models.Nov 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023
Server Architectures Overview Series (3): Staged Event-Driven ArchitectureThe staged event-driven architecture was proposed to improve event-driven model by splitting into stages and managing resources separately.Nov 6, 2023Nov 6, 2023
Server Architectures Overview Series (2): Event-Driven ArchitectureCompared to multi-threaded servers, event-driven uses limited threads, nonblocking I/O and multiplexing channels to achieve good performanceNov 1, 2023Nov 1, 2023
Server Architectures Overview Series (1): Client-Server Model and Multi-Threaded ArchitectureThis series shows classical server architectures. This one is the multi-threaded architecture from one request per thread to thread pools.Oct 30, 2023Oct 30, 2023